Why You Cannot Find a File

Why you can’t find that file-change management

I know you know this problem: "where is that piece of paper I need now?"

Not being able to immediately grab that key document when you need it is a major frustration and a source of lost productivity. At Filecorp we talked to various clients and found that there were some key reasons for this problem.

The obvious answer is to have a filing and records management system that resolves these root causes. But having a system is only the first 15%; the big secret is getting people to follow the system.

For successful change there are 6 key steps required:

Clear vision – what the system will provide in terms of the business and staff time effectiveness. This provides the outcome that everyone is going for.

Model the way – managers and leaders must walk the talk, using the system themselves and becoming knowledgeable about the system.

Pressure for change – there must be compelling pressure to change. This can be emotional, for example frustration at the current state of affairs etc.

Capacity for change – the team must have the capacity to make the change. Time and resources are needed to set up the new system, ensure adequate training on the system and the ability to understand it.

Actionable first steps – provide a plan showing the first 3-5 steps and make sure they are achievable. Do not make these steps too large in terms of time taken to complete.

Reinforce and consolidate – without this it all stops. Leaders must give credit for the change, the positive outcomes, and look for ways to address any issues that crop up.

The chart below shows what happens if any of the above is missing.